Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're having a baby!

It took 3 years to finally talk me into doing it, but.....I am pregnant! I am 31 weeks and 1 day to be exact, not that anybody's counting! Oh ya, I am. I am counting every.single.day because this pregnancy has been emotional chaos. What a roller coaster of emotions to be pregnant after Tyler's scary experience. We have had 5 ultrasounds and every one has showed us a baby girl, so we're starting to feel convinced. :) I have been extremely paranoid and refused to buy anything for a long time. At 26 weeks I finally went on a little spree and got some cute girl stuff. Then...after having a minor panic last week that we hadn't done anything since - I ordered all the furniture. So, we should be ready by next week. Yay!

I am due December 22, but am having a c-section sometime early December. Can't wait to meet our baby girl! :)

Here's my belly about 3 weeks ago! I never really had one with Tyler so it has been an adjustment.

...and her cute little face. She is already stubborn and wouldn't peak out from her hiding spot on THREE separate 3d ultrasounds!

Ryan's weekend handy work. He pulled the closet doors off, took out the closet rod, did some touch up paint and built a new closet. I love it. It's a lot like Tyler's, but bigger which I'm sure our daughter will need! I'll update pics as we get the nursery done. :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our miracle...

Well, since I posted one of Tyler's birth pictures, I decided it's a must to dedicate a post to my sweet boy.

We were ecstatic when we found out I was pregnant. But, we really never saw the roller coaster coming. Tyler was born at 24 weeks 6 days. A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. He weighed in at 1 pound, 9 ounces and was 12.25 inches long. When he was delivered, we had no idea what to expect. Well, we had seen pictures from the NICU staff of teeny tiny babies, had been given survivability odds and had heard the horror stories but we were not prepared for what came. He was SO tiny. He let out one little squeal before they whisked him to the NICU team. I barely got a glance at him. We spent the next 80 days at the NICU. It was torture and definitely one of those million dollar experiences that you wouldn't pay a penny for! Tyler came home 4 weeks before his due date and has been doing fabulous ever since. He continues to amaze us and the medical community with his great strides! We love you sweet boy!

4th picture tag....

So everyone is passing this tag along, so I figured I'd better jump on the bandwagon. Here's how it works. You open your picture files and choose the 4th picture from the 4th folder. Let's see what you get! I tag everybody!
This picture is 3 years, 3 months and 12 days old. It is my sweet Tyler at on his first day of life.

Tyler's 1st day of preschool

Tyler started preschool this August. We were really excited for him, but too bad he really doesn't feel the same way. He is NOT a morning person (just like his dad) and he has to be on the bus by 8:20am! It has been a task to have him awake and out of bed, then he needs 15-20 minutes of waking up time, then dressed, fed and ready for the bus by 8:20! It's exhausting! :)
Daddy and Tyler on the first day of school!

Yes, he had rice crispie before he left.
Bribery is a wonderful thing sometimes.

He rides the bus to and from school and I was dying for him to get home the first day! Here is a picture play by play of me waiting....taking pics of the empty street....then the bus shows up.....and I was almost in tears by the time I got to the bus to get him! He looked so big with his back pack on getting off the bus. Needless to say, school exhausted him and he crashed on the couch not long after he got home!