It took 3 years to finally talk me into doing it, but.....I am pregnant! I am 31 weeks and 1 day to be exact, not that anybody's counting! Oh ya, I am. I am counting because this pregnancy has been emotional chaos. What a roller coaster of emotions to be pregnant after Tyler's scary experience. We have had 5 ultrasounds and every one has showed us a baby girl, so we're starting to feel convinced. :) I have been extremely paranoid and refused to buy anything for a long time. At 26 weeks I finally went on a little spree and got some cute girl stuff. Then...after having a minor panic last week that we hadn't done anything since - I ordered all the furniture. So, we should be ready by next week. Yay!
I am due December 22, but am having a c-section sometime early December. Can't wait to meet our baby girl! :)
Here's my belly about 3 weeks ago! I never really had one with Tyler so it has been an adjustment.
...and her cute little face. She is already stubborn and wouldn't peak out from her hiding spot on THREE separate 3d ultrasounds!
Ryan's weekend handy work. He pulled the closet doors off, took out the closet rod, did some touch up paint and built a new closet. I love it. It's a lot like Tyler's, but bigger which I'm sure our daughter will need! I'll update pics as we get the nursery done. :)