Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Brooke!

Yesterday was Brooke's two month birthday! Wow. I can't believe it. Time really is flying and I hate that! :) We *celebrated* by going up the mountain snowmobiling with Ryan, Jason and lots of cousins, but the wind was so miserable that I didn't even get out of the truck. Brooke and I enjoyed from the warmth! :) In only four short weeks I go back to work and I really am dreading it. I have absolutely adored my time home with my beautiful kids and hope that every day at work is a quick adventure and I'm home before I know it! We love you Brookie! :)


Paige n' Kalani said...

Happy 2 month Brooke! Kim - she is seriously beautiful & Tyler is getting so big!

Kailee's Korner said...

Happy Birthday Brooke! I hope you guys come out and see me today.

Willyerd Family said...

Wow, two months already! That did go by fast. Your kids are so cute!

Lois Thomas said...

Kim - My knowledge of blog etiquette is sadly lacking! You tagged me(I found out today), but what am I supposed to do now? And what kind of "rules" apply here? Do I decide the rules or are they "standard"? Enlighten me please! Your pics of Brooke are darling.

Ryan, Kim, Tyler and Brooke said...

Grandma - copy the text from my post and then paste into a new post on your blog. Then, change all of the answers to fit you. I guess there really aren't any rules, other than to copy/paste, answer the questions and then tag 8 people. :)

The Brugger Bunch said...

Happy birthday tiny one! HOw exciting, it is a little sad at how quickly it goes!

Grace said...

Kim I am so glad that you found me!!! Brooke is beautiful, congratulations!

ps. I'm adding you to my list of blogs I follow.

Grace :)